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AssetsGraphed Hits 200 Days Uptime • Friday, 28 December 2007
I’m pleased to report that my AssetsGraphed Ruby on Rails application has been running continuously for over two hundred days now, as the screenshot below taken from my installation of monit shows.
Improved Localisation In AssetsGraphed • Monday, 02 July 2007
As part of my process of continuous and sometimes arduous improvement of my AssetsGraphed web application, I’ve recently added slightly better localisation support.
Installing Mint On A Rails Machine • Friday, 12 January 2007
I recently added Shaun Inman’s superb Mint statistics package to my AssetGraphed Rails Machine installation. As the installation wasn’t particularly straightforward, I thought I’d write this little guide for others who may be struggling.
AssetsGraphed At The Rails Way • Tuesday, 09 January 2007
You may recall that a while ago I mentioned The Rails Way, which is a site where Rails core team members Jamis Buck and Michael Koziarski review code submissions and illustrate Rails best practices. Well, the big news is that they’ve started reviewing my code!
AssetsGraphed On Rails Machine • Wednesday, 03 January 2007
I’ve just finished moving AssetsGraphed over to Rails Machine. The application was originally hosted by TextDrive, on the same server as this site. I don’t have any complaints about TextDrive but it was clear that I needed something more substantial for AssetsGraphed.
Introducing AssetsGraphed • Tuesday, 12 December 2006
I’ve just put my first Ruby on Rails application online. It’s called AssetsGraphed. It’s a free asset tracking application that also graphs your data.